The landing page is an essential part of your digital marketing campaign, and we should build it to maximize the conversion rate. On the other hand, we must have a series of landing pages when creating an online sales funnel.
So, what is a landing page?
There are many definitions about Landing Page and how this particular website helps you in your online business, attracting potential target audiences. Yet, not many explanations can give you the whole meaning of the landing page.
If you want a deeper understanding, this article is for you. Surely, you will not waste any moment with the helpful information below. Let’s read on to discover!
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What is a landing page?
There are many different ways to describe the landing page.
Literally, a landing page is “the address that (visitor) comes first.” In a broad sense, a landing page refers to the web landing pages that you visit after clicking on links, web ads, search engines, etc. In a narrow sense, the task of this type of website is to summarize information related to products and services to direct customers to take action.
In the field of marketing, there is a more general definition for a landing page.
Specifically, this term refers to an independent website, completely separate from the main website. When you, as a customer, click on links on a search, ad, or email page, you’ll land on a landing page.
Due to its independence from the website system, the landing page’s target is also narrower: focusing only on marketing campaigns to encourage customer action.
Some actions can be mentioned, such as Calling to action or texting with customer service staff to discuss products. Filling out the form to receive a quote and consultation is also one of the popular contents of the Landing page.
In technical terms, a landing page has the main task of converting visitors into leads. Or, to put it simply, a landing page is a more powerful but shorter-lived version of the home page.
Why Landing Page Important?
Since the beginning of the article, the concept of conversion rate has appeared more than once. And you also come across many comments about the effectiveness of the landing page with this ratio.
But why can the Landing Page do something superior to the Homepage? It all comes down to the following five reasons:
Landing pages can capture email addresses
Your greatest asset is a list of potential customers, not a business plan or a product to sell. The list will provide a tremendous amount of information related to names, addresses, and ages. You will reap huge profits if you know how to exploit the above basic information.
However, the question is how you can legally own the above personal information. In other words, how do customers agree to share their names and email addresses with you?
A landing page is a handy platform to call customers to do things that they do not automatically agree with; leaving email information is one of them.
You gain helpful customer contact information at the Landing page by offering promotions, free courses, and valuable ebooks in return.
Provide detailed information about visitors
As a visionary manager, you don’t just focus on constantly engaging leads. You also need to know how to stop to evaluate customer interactions, behaviors, and habits to understand how to adjust the strategy.
And landing pages will be an excellent tool for you to track customer behavior.
From there, you can answer important questions such as: “What do users love about the product?”, “Which advertising works?”, “How do customers react to the Marketing campaign?”
Based on the information recorded on the landing page, you will have more reasonable improvements.
Give special offers
Landing pages often come with special offers. With these incentives, the number of customers who agree to leave personal information has changed markedly.
Eliminate distractions
There is too much information on your Homepage: from links to satellite sites or navigation options, site maps. Diversity is good, but sometimes it can backfire, distract customers.
Meanwhile, the landing page proved to be the most accessible platform to follow.
Everything on the web is clear and powerful. So, with landing pages, your customers will be more focused than ever on the messages you’re trying to convey.
Landing pages help your visitors make decisions
There are so many shopping options out there. Besides, online shopping also makes many people doubt the authenticity. Therefore, it is understandable that many customers are cautious, even indecisive when buying products.
And for salespeople, indecision is the number one enemy because this personality trait prevents the conversion from potential customers to customers.
Landing pages do a great job of eliminating distractions when choosing a product. And with an impressively designed website with enticing calls to action, landing pages will continue to excel at inducing customers to make a decision.
How Does A Landing Page Work?
Here are some basic steps that a great landing page does its job:
First and foremost, landing pages will likely pop up when Internet users are about to redirect to their intended websites. When clicking it, they will end up in a form with a piece of brief information about a product and an appealing offer.
Here, visitors need to fill in this form with their contact information such as Google account, Facebook, or Instagram account. This step converts the visitors into the leads.
All the information is then updated and stored in the leads database but is highly protected from leakage and hacks to ensure visitors’ privacy. This data amount is exceptionally useful for any marketer, as it is a brilliant source of potential consumers to market newly launched products.
Finally, marketers directly contact those visitors, give them more information about products, and quickly make a deal.
This working process may sound biased towards those creating the landing page; however, it is a win-win situation. To put it simply, a visitor will only fill out the form if they trust the content on the landing page and believe that it will be valuable.
In return, a marketer is always willing to give the site visitors great deals and offers. He can also use the personal information the visitors provide in future marketing strategies.
Landing Page Vs Homepage: Is It Difference?
If you don’t do a lot of research, you will most likely confuse the landing page with the Homepage when you only briefly evaluate the landing page.
However, in terms of what these two types of websites bring, the difference is apparent in the way they are built and the goals they aim to achieve.
The most significant difference lies in the conversion rate of the Landing page and Homepage.
There is no denying the conversion rate that the Homepage brings, but there is a lot to be said about the website’s performance.
Usually, the Homepage will have the role of navigating to other affiliate sites such as referrals, products, knowledge sharing blogs.
Therefore, users have more options when accessing the Homepage instead of paying attention to the message and performing conversion actions.
Meanwhile, the Landing page is an independent web address containing navigational components and external links.
You can find engaging content, complete product information, positive customer reviews, and attractive offers and promotions on this website. And as you have seen, there are no navigational links on this site that do not serve to purchase.
Minimizing the number of navigational links is one of the most effective ways to reduce user distractions. From there, customers will focus on your calls to action as well as your product.
Let me explain more about them:
1. Audience And Purpose
The first major difference between a landing page and a home page is the target audience. As its name suggests, a landing page is where someone lands after clicking on your ads to receive a special offer and a CTA.
With paid search ads, the visitors of this marketing page are likely to show little interest in your products, service, and company. For instance, those searching for a Car Repair service in your country tend to click on your paid search results.
This means there are more chances of conversion than with someone happening upon your site organically. In general, landing pages offer you a great opportunity to target certain demographics with a higher conversion rate.
To do this, your landing page should focus on this type of audience. Here, all you need to show is the information and content that potential customers want to have and convert.
On the other hand, the homepage serves different functions and purposes. Instead of concentrating on only one single aim and audience span, it is tailored with various targets in mind, including providing information, marketing, and offering CTAs.
While a land page should be concise in terms of design, structure, and show no distraction, a web page includes various standard links at the bottom of the page for Calls to action. Besides, along the side of the page, there are about services, company information, blog, and whatever belongs to your business.
Homepages can have various images, callouts, and links leading to other pages of the websites. With such a wide range of features, these pages are where visitors with little knowledge of the company or interest in your service will land on to find out more.
2. Links
As mentioned above, landing pages have only one goal: converting traffic. So, besides the single link for callout, there should be no other one to avoid potential distractions.
There are only three options on a typical landing page: convert, login, and leave the page. Try to be straight to the point, and you will be more likely to keep visitors’ feet here.
The landing page have only one goal
On the contrary, a homepage is designed with some navigation options on the bar near the top. This bar contains several more site links or other social media links. Visitors can easily get to where they need to interact with your site through these links.
A web page has multi links with more distraction
3. Content
Although landing pages and web pages tend to show the same information, there is also a specific distinction between their content. Unlike organic traffic to your web page, a landing page only includes content belonging to the offer, product, or promoting service.
For example, if visitors are searching for a type of fruit that does wonders for their health, type the keyword “banana,” and they will be immediately redirected to a landing page with paid ads about bananas instead of a home page with a variety of fruits.
Why are bananas best for your health? What type of offer will you receive for banana sales specifically? Such questions will be answered on this landing page.
Landing page content focus on the goal
Web page content
4. Call To Action
Action-oriented is one of the biggest differences between these two pages. A CTA can be anything like filling out a form, getting an email address, calling a phone number, or simply buying your service. Such things should always be straightforward and obvious enough to let visitors understand and follow easily.
Landing pages tend to focus on those types of CTA to encourage viewers to convert. Normally, a CTA is often associated with a special offer to further boost conversion. For instance, a “Call Us Today” CTA is less effective than a “Call Today For 10% Off” one.
Copywriting Secrets Book landing page CTA – Jim Edwards
The web page is, by contrast, not likely to have such a strong and prevalent CTA. This is mainly because it is more widely used as a resource instead of a converting tool.
Jim Edward blog web page CTA
How Many Types Of Landing Page Are There?
The conversion rate of the landing page is many times higher than that of the Homepage.
And when you use the correct type of landing page, that percentage goes even higher. Here are the most popular and effective types of landing pages that you can refer to:
1. Lead Generation Landing Page
If the above pure landing pages are too vague, you have landing page types with more specific purposes. And the Lead generation landing page is one of them.
Lead Generation landing page is also often referred to as the “Lead Capture Page“. As the name implies, this type of landing page is born to attract and collect potential customers’ information to help you build a list.
In short, if your landing page is designed to generate leads, then it’s a lead capture page. Whether it is:
Lead magnet page
Survey page
Sign-up for newsletter
membership sign-up page
Funnel Secrets Survey Funnel
Lead Capture form
To help your campaign be effective, lead generation landing pages usually come with the sales funnel that we call a lead funnel. This funnel has been used in the awareness stage of the marketing funnel, where we provide valuable content to collect data by using form fields.
We convert visitors to leads before driving them the sales journey and becoming buying customers.
2. Squeeze Page
Squeeze Page is a type of lead generation landing page. The page is designed for converting visitors into leads by offering freebies (lead magnet or bait).
According to Facebook and Google guidelines, you should monetize your website with Squeeze Pages instead of the web page having a pop-up.
On the other hand, the pop-up is easy to block by browser extensions and gives users a bad experience.
So make sure to use the Squeeze page displayed at the top of the sales funnel and has an eye-catching title and straightforward content. Customers will be attracted and provide information such as email addresses to contact the business further.
3. Click-Through Landing Page
Unlike other landing page types, the Click-Through page one doesn’t come with a Buy Now button. This page focuses on sharing the benefits and outstanding features of your service with a CTA button.
Active campaign free trial
You won’t find lengthy descriptions on the Page. All your website visitors do is click on the link or perform the call to action you provide.
4. Splash Page
Lead capture is not always the main goal of a splash landing page. This is the intermediary page where users will be redirected when clicking a social media or content link. Watch the video below to understand what is splash page:
There are not many duplicates, and the information simply revolves around a few requirements, such as yes or no, which most accurately describes the Splash page. Splash will be displayed right in front of the home page, containing only an image or video notification.
Here you can provide some information such as:
Notify visitors of important information (disclaimers, warnings, etc.)
Collect guest contact information and other personal information
Promote ongoing events, which a sale will generally accompany.
5. Unsubscribe Landing Page
Clickfunnels Unsubscription page
It’s important not to neglect your unsubscribe page, as this one offers users a chance to manage their preferences and adjust the cadence. Therefore, why not include some links to your website’s extra areas?
Once again, remember that users don’t want to receive your emails doesn’t necessarily mean that they have no interest in your site. Thus, add a “Second Chance” button that allows users to resubscribe.
6. Long-Form Sales Landing Page (or sales page)
Unlike other landing pages that require concise content, a long-form sale landing page cannot work well with brevity. Building one can be an uphill struggle as it requires you to think of every question your visitors may have for you.
The most significant difference of a sales page is that you are not simply looking for potential customers. You will make suggestions to persuade and stimulate customers to buy, sell, and use services or products on this platform.
The sales page is not just a website with straightforward content. There needs to be a particular investment in understanding customer needs, thereby designing a website to target the right audience.
Learn more about what is a sales page and how to create one that convert
7. Upsell Page
Unlike the product discount marketing strategy, Upsell refers to selling an upgraded product with better features at a higher price to users who are considering buying a particular product.
The promotion and highlighting of the above products are essential. Of course, customers won’t be interested in a higher-priced product unless it’s more appealing.
And upsell is the landing page where you can attractively promote those products.
8. “Thank You” Landing Page
Instagram Secrets ebook thank you page
A “thank you” landing page is undoubtedly likely to serve no selling or promoting purpose. On the other hand, it notifies you of what you have already known, “You have successfully downloaded the greatest whitepaper! Access it here!”.
Include additional offers and gifts on your “Thank You” page, and it will be a great opportunity to provide more value to highly motivated and potential customers. Your likelihood for conversion is added here.
9. Paid Advertising Landing Page
If you fail to redirect customers who click on your paid ads to the right landing page, you run the risk of wasting a large amount of money. Remember that a paid advertising landing page is suitable for generating leads instead of sales.
10. The 404 Landing Page
404 is always the signal of error and forces users to direct back to your homepage and other neutral landing pages. But now get creative with 404, and you will see its effects!
Funnel Secrets 404 landing page
Use the 404 landing page as a lead generation tool and provide users with three options: visit the blog, learn about the company’s software, and sign up for a free demo!
This landing page will be easily mistaken for errors or other discouraging pages. Therefore, it is vital to make clear signals and appealing offers to attract readers’ attention and keep them staying on your landing pages.
11. “About Us” Landing Page
Once again, make this dead-end into a lead generation page by filling it with plenty of history, vision, and mission. It will give your audience a better understanding of your company and what it has to offer.
Also, don’t forget to let readers know how to move forward. The bottom page should offer a reminder and direct links to shop, follow, or join the company and leave an email subscription.
12. “Coming Soon” Page
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Your company is going to release a new product but not ready to reveal the full offer? “Coming Soon” page will be your brilliant choice!
It’s time to give your offer, provide a launch date, and add a CTA asking for an email address so that visitors can receive an email notification when the product is released.
13. Pricing Page
For new pricing or product tiers, you need to consider directing your customers to your pricing landing page. Undoubtedly, the pricing page is among the ones that should receive the heaviest optimization.
There are two main boxes placed on this page between a list of important features and a carousel of testimonials. These two represent special callouts for potential customers who fail to fall for one of the three boilerplate pricing templates.
If such additional calls to action cannot convey your needs, here, at the bottom, there is one that enables visitors to pick “Choose your own adventure.”
14. Commercial Information
If the features of the above websites impress you with their brevity and simplicity, Commercial Information impresses with its elaborate stories.
What you share on this platform is intended to evoke emotions and memories related to the item, thereby making a decision.
If you successfully build Commercial Information, you will become a master in attracting and making customers commit to buying.
15. Viral landing page
You have impressive branding landing pages. You will use the Viral Landing page to contain links pointing to the above remarkable websites.
Yet, unlike any form of overt promotion, Viral landing pages contain exciting and complete information, and hidden within it is a subtle and discreet link.
16. Microsite
As the name suggests, a microsite is a miniature website. This website focuses on conveying details about a brand’s event, product launch, or promotion.
Because they only serve a specific campaign, microsites usually only last for a reasonably short period, usually one to two months.
17. Event page
A successful promotional event needs to attract a large number of interested and attended people. And to achieve the desired effect, nothing is more optimal than creating your landing page for the event, where there are updates and attractive calls.
At this point, you can convert unwitting visitors to your website into leads, from leads into interested and event attendees.
18. Free trial page
Today, almost all software suppliers, consumer products, technology products, etc., have a policy for customers to demo the product.
And it’s never too late to create a landing page for these free demos. Because it will be great when customers both agree to use your product, and leave their name, address, and related information to register to be the first testers.
The information taken from the Free trial page will be helpful for you to contact your customers and play a significant role in providing the best customer experience.
How Much Does It Cost To Create A Custom Landing Page?
Honestly, there is no set price for creating a landing page. The amount you spend depends on many factors. And one of the most important factors is how you build the standalone web page.
If you ask for the help of online web builders, your costs can range from $200 – $250 for a month of service.
You will save a lot of money if you choose to buy a pre-designed landing page. Specifically, you will spend from $10 – $20 for each design.
If you’re on a tight budget but don’t want to use pre-made templates, hiring a freelancer willing to take on your project is a good idea. Typically, you will pay them a salary of $5 – $15 an hour. The total cost you have to spend depends on the volume and time to complete the freelancer’s landing pages work.
With a more generous budget, you can look to agencies that specialize in creating landing pages. Usually, you will have to pay from $600 – $3000 for site development services.
Construction costs also depend on the type of site you choose. For example, it would cost you between $1000 and $1500 for a quality landing page at current prices. Meanwhile, the price will fall in the range of $1500 to $2000 for strategic landing pages and $2000 to $5000 for dynamic products.
Pro tips: If you want to create your own landing pages at a low price, so you can consider buying the landing page software such as: Elementor, Divi, Clickfunnels, Systeme (Free) or Leadpages.
Pros and Cons of Landing Page
Price is one of the factors to consider when choosing a website creation method.
To have a more objective view, you need to base on each method’s pros and cons. Here are some breakdowns of the most popular way to build a landing page: using website builders from companies that specialize in providing online business solutions.
You have a free trial period of about 7 – 30 days. It is an advantage worth considering when using your own Landing Page Builder because you have time to evaluate the ability of the website builder to provide services.
You have a sample library available. If you don’t have too much experience in the design field, this feature is one you are always looking for.
Most landing page builder providers strive to provide an intuitive interface that is easy to understand even for beginners.
You can create multiple landing pages for a wide range of customers with marketing efforts.
The trial period is limited, and if you want to use it for a long time, you need to pay a fee.
You will have to spend a large amount of money to unlock new features.
Nearly every website builder will limit what tasks a free account can do.
Some of the available models provided by the manufacturer may no longer be unique.
On the own landing page that you build, there may be some annoying information coming from the manufacturer.
Some beginners may find it challenging to exploit all the features of the website builder.
Landing Page Best Practices
Efficiency is what a landing page or any sales page is all about. But
What makes a good landing page?
How to improve efficiency, attract a large number of customers, increase landing page conversion rate?
Some suggestions below will answer the above question.
1. A Killer Headline
Image Source: Diabetes Freedom
Without a shade of doubt, a headline is a very first thing visitors notice when coming across any page. This is where interest, attention, and understanding begin. Only a killer headline can compel any visitor to stay and learn more about your offers.
Therefore, your headline should be attractive enough to grab the reader’s attention. Plus, concise and simple as it is, the headline should tell the visitors what your service and product are about.
A headline is usually ten to 20 characters long, so it would be best to let the paper’s clean design emphasize the headline.
2. Persuasive Subheads
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The next element you should pay attention to when creating an effective landing page is the subheadline. If the headline draws visitors’ eyes and helps the page gain more viewers, the subheadline will make them stay. These two pieces contribute to the one-two punch of a page’s overall power.
A persuasive subheadline is often placed directly underneath the main headline to emphasize it and give an instant and clear explanation for the headline.
Furthermore, yours should have added persuasiveness to strengthen visitors’ trust and increase the chance of a conversion. It’s okay to include more depth and detail in the subheadline so that the visitors can have a deeper understanding of your headline and service.
3. Eye-Catching And Relevant Pictures
The brain tends to process images 60000 times faster than text. For this reason, visual content is more likely to linger on visitors’ memory than others, so it is an essential part of a landing paper.
When choosing pictures for your landing page, don’t forget to pick large ones to capture readers’ attention immediately. More importantly, the pictures should not show any distraction and be relevant to your service or product.
Image Source:
A big picture of it would be a brilliant idea for a physical product, while an attention-grabbing and relevant image should be added to the landing page.
No matter which types of image you are picking, they must be of the highest quality so that your page looks attractive and professional. As most readers use pictures to differentiate different companies and products, yours should leave a striking and reliable impression to increase conversion.
4. Explanation
Undeniably, your landing page should always be clear of what you are offering. Hence, a straightforward explanation is of utmost importance to enable readers to better understand your product and service.
There are various approaches for your explanation; however, here are some tips that you need to keep in mind:
Integrate your explanation with your headline or separate two parts completely for clarity.
Although explanations are functional and useful, you should keep functionality titled in favor of users. This means an explanation should be benefit-oriented.
It would be best to keep your explanation as clear as possible by using understandable and simple words and characters. Besides, relevant images that are connected with the headline are also useful and make your explanation more attention-grabbing and comprehensible.
5. Something About Pain
This notion seems vague and intentional; using this one can leave a great deal of room for interpretation. Humans are wired to avoid pain, and most products and services are designed to alleviate pain in some ways.
Here are some ways to accomplish that idea on your landing page:
Besides what people gain, mention what they will lose if missing out on your offer. The theory of loss aversion assumes that humans are more likely to anticipate the pain of losing than feeling the pleasure of gaining something with equal value. Therefore, mentioning this can increase conversion.
Implement pain references as your testimonials: Pain is a powerful human part, which real human testimonials can further implement. Therefore, this method can be effective at conveying pain trustworthiness.
Make sure to relieve the pain: Never present a problem without showing a solution! Therefore, after mentioning the pain, let’s use your product and service as an antidote to this problem.
6. Something About Pleasure
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Besides pain-avoiding machines, we are pleasure-seekers who are motivated by the desire to gain something. There are two ways to incorporate this into your landing page:
Show how your product or service can bring a by-product of pleasure.
Show how your product can offer an emotional need beyond its functionality.
7. Contact Method
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The key to gaining visitors’ trust and conversion is to make it clear that your business is legit. Most persuasive landing pages often include multiple contact methods like a phone number, physical address, email address, and a contact form.
Some are even designed to have pop-ups where a customer support representative is present to give visitors help and advice. When adding such contact information to your landing page, keep the following things in mind:
Assure that you are a real company with a physical address and a phone number.
Live chat may be controversial sometimes, so have second thoughts before deciding to have one.
8. Guarantee
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Guarantees are a great way to make people feel reassured when staying on your landing page. They come in various forms, so spend time choosing one type that works best for your business.
It would help if you placed your guarantee statement near the CTA to give potential customers a final bit of assurance to get ready for converting.
9. Call To Action
CTA is the most crucial element of a high converting landing page. Thus, the bigger your CTA appears, the better it is. Make yours compelling, explosive, and persuasive in a contrasting color.
An outstanding color on the overall theme can attract the eye and compel the visitors to click the button. Incorporating graphics to draw more attention is also a great idea to provide a seamless and logical flow.
10. Use friendly and appropriate colors
You may not have noticed, but color affects people’s psychology and emotions more than you think. Coloring can even remind you of memories only you know while giving others reactions that psychology can only explain.
The above effects are the goal of any person working in advertising: reaching the deepest part of customer emotions.
However, not all colors give the same impression. You can refer to the ability of color to affect specific customers:
Black and gray colors evoke a feeling of sophistication and luxury.
Purple represents comfort, much related to maternity, women.
Green suggests health, happiness, and the environment. However, this is a wrong choice for food-related items. Because there was once a study that showed that dieters used this colored plate to reduce their interest in eating.
Pink: Romantic, feminine, often used with customers of the weaker sex, especially girls or young girls.
Red: Brings a sense of urgency, very suitable for use in discount programs.
10. Focused tone and language
Language and tone make a massive difference in conversion rates because you will use these two means to build trust and convince customers.
To communicate successfully, first, you don’t need to write well, but you need to write easy to understand, right target with landing page best practices.
You can put yourself in the user’s perspective, wondering if the above content is easy to read and convey precisely what you want.
Besides, you can adjust the structure and language to capture the emotions of the reader. The more customers see themselves in the content you post, the more likely they will take action on your Page. A little tip for you: Try using words like “you” and “we” to create a friendly tone and connect the customer and the problem you raise.
11. Highlight yourself
There are many ways to build customer trust and affirm the quality of your business, such as customer reviews, reputable certifications, success stories, etc.
And you are also an individual. Beautiful elements in landing pages might easily attract the attention of visitors.
Can you spend money on a product or service without knowing who the supplier is? The presence of the supplier will make the above hesitation disappear.
When you highlight yourself on the landing page, whether you are a developer or an employee in charge of a project, the website’s credibility will increase significantly.
12. Use customer testimonials
The mentality that nobody wants to be the first to do something is very understandable. You can exploit this principle to apply to your business by giving the experiences and reviews of previous customers with your own landing pages.
Making your potential customers realize that people with similar circumstances have made impressive changes when using the service will create a great motivation for them to take the following actions. And the destination is the Purchase.
Driving Traffic To Landing Pages
Now you have created some excellent landing pages that are ready to effectively generate leads and boost conversion. However, how can viewers get to come across and visit them? What are the best marketing channels to drive the traffic you want for your landing page?
Undeniably, a comprehensive content marketing strategy often comes with paid, earned, or owned media which are combined to become the digital marketing trifecta. Let’s explore some common options of traffic to your landing pages:
Paid Search Traffic
If you are a professional online marketer, paid search traffic should be your best friend! Most search engines now include paid advertising, which tends to appear on the top of the search result page.
Unlike other results on this page, paid search advertising is prepared and paid a fee for each click by marketers. You can design your pay-per-click ads to reach wider customers broad-based on their search terms, interests in their browsing history, and demographic data.
When creating an ad, you can redirect your potential customers to your homepage. But we highly recommend you link your ads to a standalone landing page to perfectly match your ad copy and offer a clear CTA.
There are various places to implement paid search advertising, but the most popular ones are Google Ads. Google Ads are scalable, allowing marketers to increase their pay-per-click budget, leads, and overall profits.
Besides, it will be much more straightforward to see key information about visitors to your page through Google Ads, including cost-per-conversion, conversion rates, and click-through rates.
Paid Social Traffic
Once again, social media are the best platforms to reach more audiences, as Internet users are likely to spend most of their surfing time on them. While it is okay to use social media to introduce your landing pages without any charges, investing in them would be a better kickass way to target people and communities.
All you have to do is to add your product or service to your list of interests in your Facebook profile. The beauty of this method is that you can create a more intimate connection with customers before they look for your products.
Besides offering advanced targeting features, without a shade of doubt, each social channel comes with its unique characteristics and works suitably for different products and services.
For example, Instagram is ideal for physical products and lifestyle brands thanks to its strong visual appeal. On the other hand, the LinkedIn platform will work best to reach professionals in specific industries.
Therefore, depending on your promoted products, services, and business types, you should choose the right social platform to effectively increase conversion.
Email Campaigns
If you frequently check your email box, you may have once felt irritated whenever you receive a marketing email in the main box or junk. But don’t underestimate email power in driving traffic! Most marketers are still employing email platforms to spread their message and have a segmented audience reach, as it still works!
Compared to other popular free social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, email marketing is proven to be 40 times more effective in acquiring new clients. Plus, the email also has the highest conversion rate and direct mail purchase, so don’t hesitate to send that weekly email blast.
There are countless online resources showing data on the best sending days and times. However, each industry, customer base, and time zone differences suggest different suitable email sending times.
Therefore, the best method to pick the right time is to send your email in batches. Then, this tactic will show you the moment which produces the most opens, post-click landing page views, and conversions.
Overall, don’t feel surprised by a combo of emails and landing pages regarding nurturing existing relationships with customers and establishing new ones. This combination works like this:
Spend time building a list of contacts by tracking those frequently visiting your websites or searching for similar products or services on the Google search results.
Design an email carefully with short and simple words to catch readers’ eye. It would help if you avoided overstuffing readers with a long and full-of-word piece of email. Don’t forget to include your offer in the email.
After flicking through the offer, potential customers will likely click on the included links to land on your landing page. Here, they will be given the offer details, which drive visitors toward a call to action.
One email tactic that marketers tend to ignore but prove to be very effective is to use email signature. Including a link in the email, the signature can offer a huge return on your zero investment. All you need to do is insert a link under your email signature and let it work as a great anchor text.
Organic Search Traffic (SEO)
Every marketer wants their websites and landing pages to have more organic traffic, increasing the number of orders, turnover, and revenue.
Organic traffic refers to visitors coming from an unpaid source like the bottom half of Google search results. This means as long as you create compelling and legitimately useful content on your landing pages, there is a high likelihood that your business will appear more frequently in related searches.
There are various methods to increase organic traffic and thereby boost the popularity of your landing pages. One of the best ways is to use SEO which offers permanent results. SEO allows you to search for keywords in search volume, so as long as you maintain a balance between high-search and low-competition words, you will be more likely to grow in search results organically.
Furthermore, social media are great platforms to increase organic traffic. Most social media like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter are 100% free, so why not take advantage of these free marketing tools to boost conversion?
Thus, try to mention your landing pages on other websites and social media as publishing your post on those platforms will send Google signals that can help get better rankings.
One more important thing is SEO Optimized images. Have you ever purchased something without seeing its e-commerce images? The answer to this question will explain why you need to use images to increase organic traffic.
Most e-commerce sites tend to use the same photos from the suppliers, so it would be better to invest in more professional pictures. Besides, don’t forget to set proper ALT text and URL to images. The text should include the main keywords to add to a well-optimized website.
According to some statistics, up to 60% of companies do not take advantage of the greatness of a good landing page, thereby having difficulty increasing sales.
With the answer to ‘What is a Landing Page?’ and the sharing related to many aspects of this type of website, I hope you will quickly be part of the remaining 40% and seize the opportunity to have more potential customers.
Let Landing Pages become your “secret weapon”, helping to increase sales efficiency and outpace the competition!
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Landing Page Optimization: Best Practice for beginners
Additional resources:
Landing Page Conversion Benchmark Report – Unbounce
Best landing page examples that you may want to steal.
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